[dev] wsdl with horde experiments

Vijay Mahrra vijay.mahrra at es.easynet.net
Thu May 26 09:36:03 PDT 2005

I've been working on getting to work with horde remotely using php and 
PEAR_SOAP via a wsdl interface and wrote the script below that can be used to 
generate a wsdl proxy for any horde installation (and execute a command 
remotely if you have a login on that installation)


e.g. enter 'http://localhost/horde' for the url

looking at the script you will notice that the wsdl proxy generation is broken 
and commented out.  i'm using a search/replace to fix erroneous values that 
PEAR_WSDL generates.

the erroneous values are evident when you run the script and view the 
generated wsdl soap proxy - function names are named for example 
'mail.listfolders' so i replace this with 'mail_listfolders' instead.  also 
some parameters are specified as $0 and $1 (replaced with $P0 and $P1...). 
these two cases are of illegal values in php 4.3.10 at least.  

needless to say, this code has some very interesting possibilities however i 
am unsure in which direction to proceed to make this work without a nasty 
search/replace hack.

should i be contacting the pear developers directly about these code proxy 
generation errors (with patches) or is this an issue with the operation names 
that returns (with . in and param values 0 and 1)?

any help/advice/suggestions/experiences with horde wsdl/soap/rpc would be most 

i have been working with the latest horde framework 3 branch and soap version 
0.81 beta


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