[dev] Horde & Calander some questions

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Fri Jun 17 02:54:01 PDT 2005

Zitat von shmuel Maruani <shmuel at maruani.co.il>:

> When we logon we set the encoding to windows-1255


> 1. When we create new Event the page is (encoding windows-1255)
> However when we look on the Item we can not see Hebrew / Arabic never mind.
> Question - where I can start and look?

Providing exact version numbers for example. And setting the correct 
charset for you storage backend in the configuration.

> 2. Question can we shard Harde IMP Calendars between users on the same
> domain?

Yes. Not specifically on the domain, but with other uers.


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