[dev] Sidebar no longer updating

Rick Emery rick at emery.homelinux.net
Fri Aug 5 16:15:11 PDT 2005

Quoting Rick Emery <rick at emery.homelinux.net>:

> I updated from CVS HEAD last night for the first time in about a month.
> I updated the framework and all config files. The only big thing I
> noticed was, after removing "folders" from servers.php, all directories
> and files in my home directory were displayed in the sidebar (using
> UW-IMAP), so I put the "folders" entry back in.
> But with or without it, the sidebar was not updating the message counts
> anymore. Using calls to the alert function ("alert(result);" inside
> sidebar.inc), I can see that updated message counts are being returned,
> but the sidebar display isn't updating. There are no messages reported
> in firefox's javascript console.
> Seeing that "result" (which gets passed to "eval") is returning the
> correct information, I'm not sure where to go from here to
> troubleshoot. Can somebody tell me where to look next?

I reverted imp/lib/Session.php to version 1.88 (and updated 
imp/config/servers.php to add back "folders", "namespace", and 
"hierarchies"), before the "Add auto-detection of namespace information 
from IMAP server" change, and my sidebar updates properly again.

Any advice?

Thanks in advance,
Rick Emery

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with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there
you will always long to return"
                                              -- Leonardo Da Vinci

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