[dev] kronolith listEvents
Karsten Fourmont
fourmont at gmx.de
Sun Sep 25 09:30:04 PDT 2005
SyncML now uses the _list api function.
I realized that the kronolith api function kronolith_list returns an
array of IDs rather than an array of UIDs as expected. kronolith_lists
returns an array ID => ID. This is produced by the listEvents function
of the SQL driver. An ID => ID array seems somewhat redundandt: I
propose to change this into an UID => ID array instead. I checked all
usages of the driver's listEvents method and the change shouldn't have
any side affects. The return value is always only used in the form $a =
$k->listEvents() foreach($a as $event), so changing the array _key_ is fine.
The kolab driver listEvents currently returns a numbered array of UIDs
(not IDs). To achieve a consistents behaviour, it should be changed,too
(see patch).
The mcal driver's listEvents is even different: it creates an array of
event objects. Strange. Is this used at all?
Anyhow. Is it OK do commit the attached patch? The kronolith_list
function seems to expect the format I propse: with attached patch it
returns guids as expected.
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