[dev] quotes around imap LOGIN command?

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at mail.curecanti.org
Tue Oct 18 10:37:41 PDT 2005

Quoting Matt Selsky <selsky at columbia.edu>:

> Is there a reason why we call quoteimap() on the username and password
> in imp/lib/IMAP/Client.php (and then surround the username and password
> in double-quotes) when we're authenticating to IMAP via the LOGIN
> command?
> This code was copied from the SquirrelMail code, but I don't see any
> reason why they use it either.  RFC 3501 doesn't mention any need for
> surrounding the username and password in quotes in section 6.2.3.

What if your username and/or password has a space in it?  imap will 
reject the login string because it will appear to have an incorrect # 
of parameters - I believe this is why we need the quotes.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at curecanti.org]

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