[dev] Potential packaging of IMP

Marc Jauvin marc at r4l.com
Wed Oct 26 10:12:52 PDT 2005

Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org> wrote:

> As Jan has mentioned, some of us are working on some pretty big changes
> to Horde/IMP right now. As part of this, I'd like to propose
> abstracting away a large part of what is currently IMP, to make it
> easier to maintain the current working UI for folks using HEAD, while
> also making MIMP development easier.
> Basically, I'd like to move as much of IMP's code as possible into a
> Horde_App_Mail package. IMP would become the UI on top of that code;
> MIMP would simply be an alternate UI (avoiding a ton of duplicate code
> we have right now), and the new work that Jan and myself and others are
> working on would be a third.
> It's a decent amount of work, but I think there are large benefits to
> it development-wise and for people doing custom UIs. Thoughts?
> Objections?

That's a *very* nice idea. I was recently looking at IMP/MIMP code 
duplication and thinking that was a waste of resource/energy to have to 
maintain duplicate code like that... Way to go!

Marc Jauvin

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