[dev] [imp] Searching an IMAP mail store with Imp [SOLVED]

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at mail.curecanti.org
Thu Nov 3 13:15:24 PST 2005

Quoting Marc Jauvin <marc at r4l.com>:

> Michael, where did you get this Information? I checked the RFCs, and I
> found this (ref. http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2060.txt):
> 6.4.4.  SEARCH Command
>   Arguments:  OPTIONAL [CHARSET] specification
>               searching criteria (one or more)
>   Responses:  REQUIRED untagged response: SEARCH
>   Result:     OK - search completed
>               NO - search error: can't search that [CHARSET] or
>                    criteria
>               BAD - command unknown or arguments invalid
> But I don't see the "BADCHARSET" error.

RFC 2060 is obsolete.  RFC 3501 now controls.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at curecanti.org]

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