[dev] cache_msgbody

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at mail.curecanti.org
Fri Jan 13 09:56:50 PST 2006

Quoting Didi Rieder <adrieder at sbox.tugraz.at>:

> Hi,
> Is it true that the messagebody cache will be stored in the session,
> like the IMP setup page is stating?
> If yes:
> What speaks against storing it in the horde cache system?

The fact that if the cache system is used, the message bodies may be  
cached beyond the current session.  SessionObjects automatically  
expire at the end of the session.

After thinking about this for a while (i.e. the time period - year(s)  
- since the code was first written) my thoughts on caching message  
bodies have changed.  Due to storage concerns, it is now my belief  
that IMP should never cache the message body text.  Rather, this  
should be the only information we keep on the IMAP server and obtain  
as needed.  The benefits of keeping message body text around is not  
worth the potential storage/performance usage on the IMP server (i.e.  
a situation where a message body is 1MB +).  Or, at least, only cache  
message bodies below a certain size - such as < 10 KB - since 95% of  
the messages will probably fit in this criteria.  However, I don't  
want to make big changes in this handling until we are sure we are on  
the path to Horde 4/IMP 5 so this should probably go into the TODO  
(although now thinking about it, maybe I will look into limiting the  
caching since this could probably be done without too much change).


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at curecanti.org]

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