[dev] Idea for new Horde_Block?

Roel Gloudemans roel at gloudemans.info
Fri Jan 20 02:37:37 PST 2006

Just a wild thought for this functionality:

Integrate it in the Network module (which has some very raw monitoring 
capabilities at the moment)


Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

> Zitat von Michael Rubinsky <mike at theupstairsroom.com>:
>> Would there be any interest for a block that shows content based on
>> http://phpsysinfo.sourceforge.net?
>> I was asked to put this together for someone so they could have a page
>> full of these blocks to monitor a number of different machines.  The
>> information is received as XML from a phpsysinfo install on each
>> monitored machine.  I've implemented it (roughly at the moment) as a
>> new framework package to obtain system information with a driver to
>> get the information from phpsysinfo.  Currently, it shows some basic
>> load information about each machine in each block, which is all my
>> client wanted.  If there's interest to include this in the project,
>> I'll continue work on it (put some bar charts for disk space, load
>> etc...) and put it into CVS.
> Feel free to develop it in Horde's CVS, just tell us under which name.
> We shouldn't distribute it with Horde by default though.
> Maybe we should add a new CVS module called "blocks" where complex, or
> less generic blocks could be developed, similar to the incubator
> module. We could release these blocks separately then. This would also
> be a first step to something I always had in mind: a public database
> for themes and blocks.
> Jan.
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