[dev] wsdl complextypes

John Morrissey jwm at horde.net
Fri Apr 21 05:42:37 PDT 2006

Hi Vijay--

On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 01:45:22PM +0200, Vijay Mahrra wrote:
> How difficult would it be to add the functionality to create/return/handle
> complex types?  I'm still trying to understand how it all fits together (the
> auto-generated wsdl) at the moment but any pointers would be a great help.

You can define complex types in the $_types array; here's an example from an
application I have:

$_types = array(
    'attrValues' => array('attr'   => 'string',
                          'values' => '{urn:horde}stringArray'),
    'attrValuesArray' => array(array('item' => '{urn:horde}serviceman_attrValues')),

which automagically generates this WSDL:

<complexType name="serviceman_attrValues">
		<element name="attr" type="xsd:string"/>
		<element name="values" type="tns:stringArray"/>
<complexType name="serviceman_attrValuesArray">
		<restriction base="SOAP-ENC:Array">
			<attribute ref="SOAP-ENC:arrayType" wsdl:arrayType="tns:serviceman_attrValues[]"/>

> Is anyone on the list working with the rpc interface, whether through soap
> or rest or whatever?  Anyone have any experience of successfully accessing
> the generated horde wsdl with non-php clients?

FWIW, we receive several thousand SOAP transactions through our Horde-based
application every day. The remote end is a J2EE application using the Axis

If you have any more questions, feel free to holler (preferably on-list, for
the benefit of the archives :-)

John Morrissey          _o            /\         ----  __o
jwm at horde.net        _-< \_          /  \       ----  <  \,
www.horde.net/    __(_)/_(_)________/    \_______(_) /_(_)__

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