[dev] Horde boot CD

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Apr 24 12:39:21 PDT 2006

Quoting Arthur Huillet <arthur.huillet at free.fr>:

> I see. This requires quite a lot of autoconfiguration, which I happen to be
> interested in and to know a bit about.

Sounds good. :)

> I'll try to dive a bit into Horde in order to get an idea of what   
> demos have to be supported.
> By the way, I wouldn't be writing these demos. I can provide you   
> with a working
> bootable setup, not probably with a commercial demo as I think you want.

Well, if you'd like to do this as a Summer of Code project there will  
be some expectation of a working system, not just the OS part. If  
you're simply interested in taking this on as a project, then of  
course do whatever part you're interested in; if you make the boot CD  
it should be easy for one of the Horde devs to do the Horde side.

I'm not personally thinking of a "commercial" demo in terms of  
scripted demos or movies or anything, or even a huge set of "demo  
data"; just something that is already preconfigured with things  
working so someone can create an account and go. If creating an admin  
account, or at least setting that account's password, could be  
prompted for on boot/install, that would be fabulous.

> I think I'd base myself on Slackware/Slax (I know those very well), and also
> integrate the hwdetect program which is found on some distros.
> DHCP client, X autoconfiguration, MySQL, Apache, PHP, Horde, Postfix, ...

If you're doing it, then you're the boss.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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