[dev] Virtual machine bounty

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jun 5 18:21:47 PDT 2006

Quoting Colin Andrews <horde at headbonk.com>:

> The idea described by Chuck above is the approach that I was going to take. I
> was planning on creating a shell script and possibly patch/data files that
> would recreate the image from a default debian netinstall. My main reason for
> doing it this way is so that when one of the horde packages is  
> upgraded, the VM doesn't instantly become obsolete. Any changes  
> necessary to install the new
> package can be made to the script files incrementally then the whole  
> image can
> be recreated from scratch. We could even keep the source files under a source
> control system and track revision history + file bug reports against the
> project.

Yes, exactly - the scripts for building it should be under version  
control, and there should be some overlap between them, the scripts  
for building live cds (there's a Summer of Code project going on for  
that now), and Jan's groupware bundles (see  
http://cvs.horde.org/groupware/ if you want to poke).

> The thing that's gotten me bogged down (besides little work & family) is just
> that I'm not very familiar with Cyrus or IMAP servers in general. I've found
> some good docs (it turns out the best ones are the ones installed with cyrus
> :P) but it will still probably take me a while to get to a proof of
> concept. If anyone wants to pick up that thread and run with it more  
> power to you.

If you tackle the basics and post them (just basic Horde auto-admin  
auth, say), that's a start - much easier for someone to build on that  
than to also start from a blank image.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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