[dev] initial_application ignored for mobile devices

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Jun 8 20:45:27 PDT 2006

Quoting Matt Selsky <selsky at columbia.edu>:

> Right, but I want my mobile users to go directly to MIMP (since it's the
> only mobile app) instead of going to the portal, clicking "Mobile Mail"
> and arriving at MIMP.
> My Horde prefs.php has:
> // what application should we go to after login?
> $_prefs['initial_application'] = array(
>     'value' => $GLOBALS['browser']->isMobile() ? 'mimp' : 'imp',
>     'locked' => true,
>     'shared' => true,
>     'type' => 'select',
>     'desc' => sprintf(_("What application should %s display after   
> login?"), $GLOBALS['registry']->get('name'))
> );

Works, but only because you have the initial_application pref locked.  
I'm open to more general solutions.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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