[dev] Horde_Taxes and Horde_Currencies

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Jun 24 18:56:21 PDT 2006

I'm starting to take a look at Minerva, and there seems to be some  
inconsistency with the Horde_Taxes and Horde_Currencies in terms of  
where they are expected to be installed. Internally, Horde_Taxes looks  
both for Horde/Taxes.php and Horde_Taxes.php (though that might be  
looking in the include_path) and the file is Horde_Taxes.php. Minerva  
looks for Horde/Taxes.php.

Neither of these seem right to me. We've talked before about something  
like Horde_App_Mail as a basis for IMP, MIMP, and DIMP. I think these  
modules are similar, though maybe we want to distinguish between a  
full pear-installable app and a mini-bit of functionality like the  
taxes and currencies modules - Horde_Plugin? Horde_Applet? etc. Ideas?

Whatever name we choose, I'd like to give the Horde_Taxes and  
Horde_Curriences modules package.xml files that install them to  
Horde/<name>/Taxes.php (or Currencies.php). And then changea Minerva  
and all the other code that uses them to look for them there.

Any objections, any suggestions?


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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