[dev] Proposal for changes to Vilma

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Sat Jul 8 00:22:19 PDT 2006

>A lot of people use Postfix-Cyrus-SQL installations. Maybe it would be a good 
> idea to let the queries to configurable like in Auth_customsql. This will 
> allow to use software in various different installations, and maybe even 
> migrate from Web-cyradm.
> Limiting max accounts, aliases, forwards and quota per domain would be even a 
> good feature.

That would be great. I'm using Cyrus-SQL too and Vilma is not even near to handle such mail management. The main limitation is that Vilma works with account_ids but CyrusSQL have only account_names (which are account_name + account_domain in virtual domain mode).

By the way there is a ticket for web-cyradm integration: http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=1727

  Best Regards,


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