[dev] Proposal for changes to Vilma

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Sat Jul 8 08:27:41 PDT 2006

On Jul 8, 2006, at 3:22 AM, Vilius Šumskas wrote:
> That would be great. I'm using Cyrus-SQL too and Vilma is not even  
> near to handle such mail management. The main limitation is that  
> Vilma works with account_ids but CyrusSQL have only account_names  
> (which are account_name + account_domain in virtual domain mode).
Qmail-LDAP has no such need for account_ids either.  I think it's a  
holdover from the SQL integration.  What I don't understand was how  
(if at all) that information was used outside of Vilma?  It's very  
likely that the integer based IDs will be removed entirely in future  
versions.  The Qmail-LDAP driver indeed just replaces them with the  
full email address.

> By the way there is a ticket for web-cyradm integration: http:// 
> bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=1727
Thanks for the pointer, I'll go take a look.

Ben Klang
Alkaloid Networks
ben at alkaloid.net

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