[dev] Proposal for changes to Vilma

Ben Klang ben at alkaloid.net
Sat Jul 8 08:25:41 PDT 2006

On Jul 8, 2006, at 1:57 AM, Duck wrote:

> A lot of people use Postfix-Cyrus-SQL installations. Maybe it would  
> be a good
> idea to let the queries to configurable like in Auth_customsql.  
> This will
> allow to use software in various different installations, and maybe  
> even
> migrate from Web-cyradm.

I would of course leave Vilma open to such backend and will attempt  
to make sure the design changes do not conflict with any requirements  
of Postfix-Cyrus-SQL.  I believe the modifications I proposed would  
only make Vilma more compatible with that implementation.  However as  
I do not have such a server for development nor the need for one I'll  
leave the job of actually writing the backend to someone else. :)

> Limiting max accounts, aliases, forwards and quota per domain would  
> be even a
> good feature.
Good idea, I'll add that to the list.  Max accounts and quotas per- 
domain already exist, but there is no limit on forwards and aliases.

Ben Klang
Alkaloid Networks
ben at alkaloid.net

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