[dev] [cvs] commit: incubator/beatnik editrec.php viewzone.php incubator/beatnik/lib Beatnik.php api.php base.php incubator/beatnik/templates common-header.inc editrec.inc menu.inc viewzone.inc incubator/beatnik/templates/edit edit.inc ...

Duck duck at obala.net
Sat Aug 5 09:04:39 PDT 2006

On Saturday 05 August 2006 17:16, Ben Klang wrote:
> Why did you move $beatnik->getDomains() into menu.inc?  Also, it
> needs to be checked for returning PEAR::Error class.

It was already  in the menu. The difference is just the GLOBALS usage becouse 
we now do not set the global var and then reference it to $beatnik but just 
use the global one. And again the getDomains functions itself must be changed 
to handle permissions not just errors.


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