[dev] Rationale for some fields in Mnemo, Turba and Nag

Luciano Ramalho luciano at ramalho.org
Fri Aug 18 06:13:24 PDT 2006

In order to take advantage of the Horde shares system, i've been 
modifying the structure of the Groo database.

I'd like to understand the use of three fields which appear in the Mnemo 
table (similarly in Turba and Nag):

memo_owner      VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
memo_id         VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
memo_uid        VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,

I've noticed the memo_owner is not necessarily a username, but is the id 
of a share (which may be a username by coincidence). Am I right?

I'd like to know why the memo_uid field is needed, what is it used for?

And finally, I've noticed that in more recent sample apps such as Mopple 
and Properties, you're adopting the practice of using a PEAR sequence to 
generate the id, instead of the md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true)) method used 
before. Is that an emerging coding standard in Horde?



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