[dev] A way to target the tabs content

Federico Giannici giannici at neomedia.it
Tue Sep 12 06:04:09 PDT 2006

We are making a custom theme.

In order to correctly stylize the "tabs" we need to identify the 
"content" of the active tab. So we had to add a new class to the source, 
that we called "tabcontent".

Currently we modified only the Search page of Turba, but maybe some 
other places need to be modified. Attached it is the simple patch we 
made (against Turba version 2.1.1). I hope it can be committed to the 
official source.


    |-                      giannici at neomedia.it
    |ederico Giannici      http://www.neomedia.it
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Name: tabcontent.patch
Url: http://lists.horde.org/archives/dev/attachments/20060912/ada66740/tabcontent.ksh

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