[dev] kronolith MS-SQL support patch proposal

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Sat Sep 16 23:01:27 PDT 2006

Quoting Ben Chavet <ben at horde.org>:

> So, I've been wrestling with mssql support in kronolith for a while   
> now, and have determined that date comparisons in mssql using php  
> just  doesn't work.  So, I've worked up a patch that forces  
> kronolith to use  timestamps when using mssql.
> I'm sending it here for a quick review before committing it because   
> it's kind of ugly.  Also, it requires php 5.1.0 or later in order to  
>  support dates before January 1, 1970.
> If you get a chance, take a look.  If nobody opposes the changes,  
> I'll  commit it and we'll finally have full mssql support.

Well, yes, that's ugly. I'd really rather figure out what setting is  
necessary for the datetime fields to work. If, however, it's really  
impossible, what I'd ask is that you change the patch so that in the  
setup function it sets a "useUnixTimestamps" (or similar name) flag if  
the dbtype is mssql. Then use that parameter in the rest of the  
checks, instead of checking dbtype directly.


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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