[dev] Splitting Agora comment per app tables

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Tue Oct 10 15:00:22 PDT 2006

Quoting Duck <duck at obala.net>:

> This project already has integrated IMP and Ansel so I would like to move all
> the commenting staff to Agora. But Agora accessing is slow because of
> DataTree usage.
> The fist possibility that will definitely help, it would be separating the
> forum part and commenting part for every application to its own DT root and
> attributes table. But how to do this. I cannot just trick DT configuration
> parameters since will affect the “hosting” application itself. Ex Ansel
> shares.
> Is possible to retrieve an configuration option from anther app thought
> registry? So I can set something like $conf['comments']['params']['table'] in
> the comment section of the hosting application configuration.

Not currently, no. You'd have to load the app, get the conf value, and  
unload it. Not ideal.

> The next improvement will be flattering attributes but this is to  
> much complex for now.

How about ditching the DataTree in Agora? That's going to be the  
eventual goal for all datatree usage, and while right now we don't  
have a replacement for the forums tree, it should be relatively simple  
to replace message storage. I don't really want to spend a lot of time  
trying to get more out of the datatree given that really it should be  


"we are plastered to the windshield of the bus that is time." - Chris

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