[dev] website favicon

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Tue Nov 7 08:32:12 PST 2006

> > I made an improved favicon for Horde website long ago
> > http://bugs.horde.org/ticket/?id=4355 but it was never commited.
> > This is just reminder in case it was missed.
> I can't tell any difference between the current one and that one...
> what am I missing?

It is in "ms-windows icon resource" format (as all other Horde icons). The old icon was in old PC bitmap data, Windows 3.x format. This caused problems with some new OS/Browser combinations already, so I think it would be wise to update it for the future use.

  Best Regards,

  Vilius Šumskas
  LNK TV system administrator
  mob.: +370 614 75713

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