[dev] Cyrus SQL and virtual domains patch

Vilius Šumskas vilius at lnk.lt
Mon Dec 11 12:38:27 PST 2006


I finally had time to fix Cyrus SQL driver with *real* virtual domains
support which was broken for years in Horde. Basically if you enable
domain_field in configuration, driver assumes you have virtdomains: yes
in Cyrus imapd.conf file. Also this means that you have to type complete
username with a domain part in login page, change your administrators
in horde/conf.php and change usernames in preferences/datatree backends
accordingly. This is a big change, so that's because I'm sending this
to the list.

I've tested the patch on virtual domain enabled and disabled machine.
Everything seem to work smoothly. But I need some testing and feedback
from those who uses virtual _aliased_ domains. I hope that they would
not have any problems if they'll leave domain_field empty or remove it
completely from Horde configuration, but I'm not sure.

Best regards,
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