[dev] Customer telephonic support

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Thu Mar 22 12:35:09 UTC 2007

Zitat von duck <duck at obala.net>:

> I have the need to track telephonic customer support. Expand Whups or
> create a new module? Has someone already do something on this?
> Desired features:
>     * track when a customer called and track the time spend on support
>     * easy and fast customer search to find a customer as soon as he
>       identifies
>     * have a price list of type of support
>     * support types: billable, free - bug solving
>     * every customer has his own “free time” and sale (contract based)
>     * reports
>     * statistic
>     * possibility to use Minerva to bill the customer for the support

 From your list I rather see some similarity with Hermes. It already  
has a timer, clients, search capabilities, reports, billable and  
non-billable hours, cost objects etc.

The billing support isn't really usable anyway, so it should be  
deprecated in favour of Minerva.


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