[dev] Ansel and tagging

Michael Rubinsky mike at theupstairsroom.com
Mon Apr 30 04:12:35 UTC 2007

In working on the tagging implementatin in Ansel, I'm trying to  
envision how gallery tags should work versus tagging individual images  
- UI wise.  I see that Chuck has added a table for gallery level tags  
so I am assuming that both gallery level and image level tags are  

Here are some questions I keep coming back to - when drilling down in  
a tag search, should galleries be displayed along with images - maybe  
in s separate section of the page?  Or should the user choose to view  
only galleries vs images?  Another thought I had was if tagging a  
gallery should make it look like all the images in that gallery were  
tagged with the gallery tags...sort of like providing a default tag  
for all images in that gallery?

Would like to get some feedback on what the original thought was on  
the gallery tags before I get too deep in the UI aspect of this...



The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org
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