[dev] Video

eculp at encontacto.net eculp at encontacto.net
Wed Sep 5 13:45:33 UTC 2007

Quoting Duck <duck at obala.net>:

> On Wednesday 05 of September 2007 13:12:15 eculp at encontacto.net wrote:
>> Wow, looks very nice. Are you using php5-ffmpeg for conversion?  There
>> is an interesting project, although I haven't tried it.  The demos
>> have a different, AFAIK, concept.  The original format is maintained
>> and is downloadable but all the videos are converted to flash, that I
>> hate because I use FreeBSD, for standardization. Conceptually, it
>> looks pretty good. I tested it  by uploading the Toreo video that is a
>> 1.7M wmv and it is presented as flash but can be downloaded as .wmv
>> again.  It is in the Test Videos Cat. #3. http://demo.achtube.com/
>> This is a plugin for Joomla, BTW.
>> I look forward to this going into the incubator.  Thanks for sharing.
>> ed
> I convert the files to flv too. For the conversion in currently use mplayer
> called from the command line (shell_exec()), But the conversion class is its
> own abstraction, so someone can write his own driver.


> Currently I keep the original files but can't be downloaded, maybe  
> this can be
> done as some way of “archive feature”, turned on/off in the configuration.
> Since in large installations keeping original files soon fills disk space.

Important point.  I just sent this because the concept is somewhat  
different and a bit more flexible that others that I've seen.  I also  
like the idea of using ffmpeg through php.

> As soon I made made some usable GUI will will move it into incubator and
> continue developer in there.
Look forward to it.

Thanks again for sharing,

> Duck
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