[dev] Hermes enhancement

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Sep 18 16:22:58 UTC 2007

Zitat von Manilal Krishnapillai <manilal.krishnapillai at ejyothi.com>:

>     We have recently started using Hermes for tracking the timesheets
> of employees and contractors. The application seems to be stable and
> simple. But it lack some of the features that we may require for legal
> reasons. We have made a close analysis of the existing application and
> finally came up with some enhancements. Basically our aim is to add
> features so that the application will completely conform with
> DCAA(Defense Contract Audit Agency) guidelines without losing any of
> the existing functionality/feature. We can engage a couple of
> qualified developers to continue the development of hermes to make it
> enterprise ready. It may be nice if commit access is provided to our
> developers, so that we can develop and collaborate effectively.
> However all the minute details will be communicated to this mailing
> list, and thus community collaboration is assured.

Your ideas for Hermes sound great and would be a great contribution. I  
don't see any of these colliding with current usage scenarios or  
planned features.

Your developers can get CVS access to the Hermes module at some point  
to make the development easier. But since we don't know any of you so  
far, we would like you to contribute a few patches first, just like  
any developer that starts working on the Horde code:  
http://www.horde.org/source/contribute.php. This is especially  
important because many people are already using Hermes in production,  
like you do.


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