[dev] Horde 3.2 release series: remove PHP 5 code?

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Wed Dec 19 16:30:52 UTC 2007

Horde users/developers-

I tentatively propose that once Horde 3.2 is branched, we remove the  
PHP 5 libraries from the FW_3 framework. Horde 3.2 maintains PHP 4  
compatibility, and these libraries will continue to evolve with Horde  
4, so I don't see an advantage to including them; they'll just cause  
people to have old versions that might not be BC with the Horde 4  
release (and in some cases certainly won't be).

I'm open to arguments that it'd be better to include them, though.  
What do people think?


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