[dev] ansel gallery properties page / gallery permissions

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Feb 4 00:21:18 UTC 2008

Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

>> Why not just add a "Go" button inside <noscript> for the gallery
>> actions drop-down?
> Adding another submit type button can mess with the 'default' action  
>  when the enter key is pressed.  From what I've read, some browsers   
> won't even recognise a default submit if more than one is present,  
> and  those that do are not necessarily consistent with *which*  
> submit is  considered default...and I remember from previous  
> discussion with  you(?) that allowing enter press to submit tags  
> even without js was  desired.

I'm confused. I thought we were taking about the Choose Action  
dropdown containing gallery actions. First of all, there's a ticket  
for moving that to an expandable/collapsible panel. Second, there's no  
submit button for that form (if it's not its own form, then it should  
and can be). So what default actions and enter key behavior can be  
interfered with by adding a noscript button to it?


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