[dev] Developers wanted

Duck duck at obala.net
Thu Feb 28 13:17:54 UTC 2008

On Thursday 28 of February 2008 14:02:24 Jan Schneider wrote:
> I am looking for additional developers who might be able to help me
> out with Horde development for two potential future projects. I can't
> tell any details yet, but one project would be calendar centric, the
> other could be a lead project for the RDO libraries.
> I prefer freelancing developers who I'm going to sub-contract, but
> small (as in affordable) companies might be an option too. I expect
> experience in developing with Horde code and working in teams. You
> would have the chance to work with, or even create, the latest Horde
> code, earn some money with developing in your favorite application
> framework, and generally increase your karma.
> Contact me directly if you are interested or have any questions. Don't
> hesitate to ask, even if you are unsure whether you would qualify for
> the job, you don't have to be a core developer.

Maybe me. Here we don't have any special project planed that involves me 
directly other than our community, that is a stand. If I will see that the 
projects ideas are interesting I will probably join.


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