[dev] session handler hostspec

Martin Fraser mdf at darksnow.net
Wed Apr 9 08:47:52 UTC 2008

Hey all.

Last night I did a CVS update of my horde install from Framework_3 and 
it killed horde. I've had a play about but can't make head nor tail of 
what has gone wrong.

When I go the horde site it tells me:

A fatal error has occurred
Required "hostspec" not specified in session handler MySQL 
configuration. The file /config/conf.php should contain a 
$conf['sessionhandler']['params']['hostspec'] setting.
Details have been logged for the administrator.

Which is all well and good, but the hostspec line it is saying is 
missing is there. I wrote a quick script to source the conf.php file and 
print_r the $conf array to confirm and sure enough, hostspec is there 
and is set to localhost, as it always has been.

I even changed the permissions on the file to 777 to make sure php could 
read it.

Any ideas, this has killed my horde install, which is not a big deal 
since it is only the wife and I that use it.

Thanks in advance.


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