[dev] Sesha is great

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jun 16 18:42:57 UTC 2008

Quoting Eric Jon Rostetter <eric.rostetter at physics.utexas.edu>:

>> Sesha may not be cool, but it works well.
>> We use it at the University to track hardware, software, office  
>> equipment and furniture ... plus I recently repurposed it as  
>> 'Keybox' to track all of my accounts and passwords.
> Dang, now I'm going to have to look at it...   I just wrote a custom
> inventory tracker last year, as I didn't realize Horde had one...

Okay, I won't kill it. Actually I just found out today that one of the  
admins here at work was looking for an inventory tracking system, so I  
set it up for him after sanding down a few rough edges.

> Maybe the reason it has so little activity is because no one knows it
> exists (isn't listed on the Horde web site unless you go to CVS/Modules).

Maybe. Someone should add a Projects wiki page for it. ;)


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