[dev] line wrapping

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Mon Jun 16 19:16:40 UTC 2008

Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:

>> go. I don't know how many horde developers or people who read horde  
>> code have fixed 80-column screens now, but to move, moving 9  
>> characters to a new line does not increase overall code  
>> readability. Thoughts?
> I do, though admitted only to comply with the CS. I still think it  
> *does* increase readability, especially when the code otherwise  
> wraps on the screen like in the quoted code above.
> But I'm fine with a more relaxed CS, like an optimal line length of  
> 80 chars and a maximum line length of 90, or 100.

How about this?


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