[dev] [cvs] commit: kronolith/js embed.js kronolith/js/src embed.js kronolith/themes embed.css

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Aug 21 16:12:39 UTC 2008

Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

>>> 2) Currently, this code needs to be run after *all* the widgets  
>>> are   processed and loaded in the DOM since the <a> elements don't  
>>> exist   until after window load.  The way the code is currently,  
>>> we can't   guarantee the order that widgets from all Horde  
>>> applications are   loaded since they can appear anywhere on the  
>>> embedded page. That  being  said, it could (and probably should)  
>>> be refactored to only  process our  widgets' elements instead of  
>>> the whole page anyway, so  I'll take a  look at making this  
>>> possible...probably by not firing  it onload, but  instead  
>>> processing the <a> elements as they are  created.
>> But isn't onload only fired if all <script> elements have been   
>> loaded and executed? Or are the widgets created onload too?
> Yes, they are inserted into the DOM onload.

This situation can be handled entirely via javascript via the  
following pseudocode:

document.observe('load', allWidgetsLoaded());

function allWidgetsLoaded() {
     if ([check for existence of all needed elements]) {
         [code done after all widgest loaded]
     } else {


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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