[dev] small horde app for downloading files

Andre Pawlowski sqall at h4des.org
Fri Aug 22 14:24:31 UTC 2008


I've written a small Horde app for downloading stuff from a directory  
of the server which you can configure with the horde administration  
menu. I want to ask if the horde project is interested in this app. I  
know it looks like a duplicate of the gollem app but in my opinion  
this app was to powerful for a simple use such as downloading files  
from a directory on the server.

Yesterday I was in the IRC channel #horde on freenode and someone told  
me to write to
this mailinglist.

If you are interested you can look under  
http://h4des.org/index.php?inhalt=kastalia for
further infos.


[] Andre Pawlowski

visit http://h4des.org

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