[dev] local git repository re: imp IMAP/MIME changes

Michael M Slusarz slusarz at horde.org
Thu Nov 6 06:07:34 UTC 2008

Quoting Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at horde.org>:

> Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:
>> Of my personal work, I think that Horde_Imap_Client, the new MIME  
>> framework, and the new imp could/should be moved over to git as  
>> none of that code is used by the current CVS code, nor can it be  
>> used by the CVS code.
> I still need to write up a general summary from the board meeting,  
> but based on our discussion, I would say that Horde_Imap_Client can  
> probably go directly in to the horde git repo, and that the new MIME  
> libs and the new IMP can go into the hatchery.

Added Horde_Imap_Client to horde.  Running into problems pushing  
commits to horde-hatchery - looks like there are some permission  
issues.  Getting the following error:

error: unable to create temporary sha1 filename ./objects/6c: File exists
fatal: failed to write object
error: unpack failed: unpacker exited with error code
To dev.horde.org:/horde/git/horde-hatchery
  ! [remote rejected] master -> master (n/a (unpacker error))
error: failed to push some refs to 'dev.horde.org:/horde/git/horde-hatcher

Doing a git gc on dev gives me the following:

error: unable to unlink .git/objects/6c/29393b3acf1076a4a9a0132ef6780810127745
error: unable to unlink .git/objects/bf/e0841dc03185e64761a9b49f0baab681b78303

More investigation:

slusarz at nazik:/horde/git/horde-hatchery$ cd .git/objects/6c/
slusarz at nazik:/horde/git/horde-hatchery/.git/objects/6c$ ls -la
-r--r--r--   1 bklang users  261 2008-11-05 16:33  

So looks like permissions are not being set correctly on pushes.


Michael Slusarz [slusarz at horde.org]

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