[dev] local git repository re: imp IMAP/MIME changes

Chuck Hagenbuch chuck at horde.org
Thu Nov 6 01:24:38 UTC 2008

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org>:

> Of my personal work, I think that Horde_Imap_Client, the new MIME  
> framework, and the new imp could/should be moved over to git as none  
> of that code is used by the current CVS code, nor can it be used by  
> the CVS code.

I still need to write up a general summary from the board meeting, but  
based on our discussion, I would say that Horde_Imap_Client can  
probably go directly in to the horde git repo, and that the new MIME  
libs and the new IMP can go into the hatchery.


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