[dev] Sharing portal blocks

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Sat Dec 20 14:55:57 UTC 2008

This is already possible, though not by sharing the blocks. Just make  
sure that the resource that you want to be available has the correct  
permissions.  To follow your example, make sure that the folder  
containing the bookmarks you want shared has the correct permissions  
for the people you want it shared with.  Then each user can add  
his/her own bookmark block to their portal - the shared bookmarks  
folder will appear in the choices of bookmarks to display in the  
block.  To take it a step further, you could provide the preconfigured  
block as a default preference by setting the appropriate values in the  
prefs.php file - though this is a bit more complicated if your not  
familiar with the structure of the blocks settings. If you would like  
help doing this, feel free to ask on list.

Quoting jacques_beaudoin at videotron.ca:

> Hi,
> It would be nice if a users could share is horde portal blocks
> like he can share is memos and calendar.
> Imagine a teacher sharing is favorite links with all is students,
> or a departement sharing pertinents links with employees,
> or a school board sharing pertinents links with all employees
> etc...
> Thanks for considering this request
> Jacques
> CSPI School Board
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mrubinsk at horde.org

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