[dev] How to include "html code" for an app right?

Andre Pawlowski sqall at h4des.org
Mon Jan 5 16:34:46 UTC 2009

Michael Rubinsky wrote:
> Quoting Andre Pawlowski <sqall at h4des.org>:
>> Well, my code for the output is always after the <html> tag. I
>> don't know how I can change this. I've looked at other Horde
>> applications and they have their html source in the <body> tag
>> section. I have no clue how I can do this. Can you tell me how to
>> include my source code to have it in the <body> tag section?
> This is impossible to answer without knowing the structure of your
> application's views or templates....you just need to make sure that
>  your outputting your HTML at the appropriate spot.  Look at any
> other horde application to see how they include various templates
> in relation to the html content the application generates.
> Thanks, mike
You are right. It's impossible to answer this question. I've took a
look at Turba and still don't understand how to include my html code
right. Well, Turba includes /lib/base.php and then some other *.inc
and the footer.inc.

My application uses the skeleton base.php and I include the
/lib/base.php as well. But when I include my base.php of the skeleton
(its not changed) then I've got a header and a footer and the rest of
my html code falls behind the footer. I take a look at the base.php
and this only uses some php skripts of Horde which Turba uses as well.

Well, perhaps you can help me when I show you the source of the
base.php which includes header and footer.

// Check for a prior definition of HORDE_BASE (perhaps by an
// definition for site customization).
if (!defined('HORDE_BASE')) {
    @define('HORDE_BASE', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../..');

// Load the Horde Framework core, and set up inclusion paths.
require_once HORDE_BASE . '/lib/core.php';

// Registry.
$registry = &Registry::singleton();
if (is_a(($pushed = $registry->pushApp('kastalia',
!defined('AUTH_HANDLER'))), 'PEAR_Error')) {
    if ($pushed->getCode() == 'permission_denied') {
    Horde::fatal($pushed, __FILE__, __LINE__, false);
$conf = &$GLOBALS['conf'];
@define('KASTALIA_TEMPLATES', $registry->get('templates'));

// Notification system.
$notification = &Notification::singleton();

// Define the base file path of Kastalia.
@define('KASTALIA_BASE', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..');

// Kastalia base library
require_once KASTALIA_BASE . '/lib/Kastalia.php';

// Start output compression.

I hope know it's possible to help me. Thanks.


Andre Pawlowski


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