[dev] Changing completed tasks to not display as Cost Object in hermes.

Adam Vande More adam at imedmobility.com
Wed Feb 18 13:50:50 UTC 2009

  Adam Vande More wrote:
> The more I think about this, the more disagree with this behavior.  My 
> reasoning is as follows:
>   1. The method of using tasklists is to mark off project when they are
>      done.
>   2. There is a large volume of tasks over time(In a few weeks of
>      accumulated data I have nearly 30, by end of year will be in
>      hundreds).
>   3. Populating the Cost Objects with completed task will make pulldown
>      too messy after enough tasks have been created.
>   4. Deleting tasks is not a good solution either because then hermes
>      doesn't have it to relate timecard against.
>   5. Deleting tasks is also not a good solution because you destroy
>      your history of accomplishments(what if you need documentation?)
> IMO, it's relatively trivial to un-mark a completed task if you need 
> to add in more time later rather than dealing with the huge Cost 
> Object list.
> I didn't really see anyone else with these views which makes me think 
> one of the following:
>    * I'm doing it wrong^TM
>    * There is not much usage of these features(maybe due to behavior?)
>    * Issue is resolved by other means
> Would there be a problem if an adjustment was made to the Cost Object 
> task to put in a clause like:  WHERE completed != '1'.  If that's not 
> an issue could I get a pointer on where that code lives?  Or tell me 
> what I'm doing wrong ;)
> Thanks,
For anyone else who is interested in this, you get this behavior by the 
following these steps:

    * Open horde/hermes/lib/Forms/Time.php
    * Go to around line 118 and you will see some text like this:

            foreach ($category['objects'] as $object) {
                $name = $object['name'];
+             if($object['active'] == true) {

    * Add in the line with the plus in front
    * You will also need a closing brace after:

        $elts[$object['id']] = $name;
+   }

    * Add that plus line in as well and save.

Adam Vandemore
Systems Administrator
IMED Mobility
(605) 498-1610

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