[dev] passwd not working after upgrading to 3.1

Jan Schneider jan at horde.org
Tue Mar 31 08:17:19 UTC 2009

Zitat von Manilal K M <manilal at ejyothi.com>:

> Quoting Jan Schneider <jan at horde.org>:
>> Zitat von Manilal K M <manilal at ejyothi.com>:
>>> passwd/config/backends.php (This is the same file which was used  
>>> with 3.0.1):
>>> $backends['ldap'] = array(
>> *Never* update to a newer version without updating the configuration files.
> I have also tried a fresh installation of passwd-3.1 and modified  
> config/backend.php and config/hooks.php manually. But still I get  
> the same error.
> "Failure in changing password for LDAP Server: Could not bind to LDAP server"
> However, when I tried changing the password with a wrong password,  
> then it says the current password is wrong(expected behaviour). This  
> means that with the configuration provided passwd is capable of  
> retrieving the  current password and the problem arises only when  
> it's trying to update new password.

Check the ldap logs.


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