[dev] imp git - errors when cache enabled

Ronan SALMON rsalmon at mbpgroup.com
Thu Apr 16 11:27:47 UTC 2009

Michael M Slusarz <slusarz at horde.org> a écrit :

> Quoting Ronan SALMON <rsalmon at mbpgroup.com>:
>> But when I access my Inbox, I get lots of :
>> Warning: array_intersect_key() [function.array-intersect-key]: 
>> Argument #1 is not an array in 
>> /usr/share/pear/Horde/Imap/Client/Cache.php on line 250
>> Notice: Array to string conversion in 
>> /usr/share/pear/Horde/Imap/Client/Cache.php on line 290
> Have you cleared your cache files?  If running a development version 
> and you ever get errors like this, you should always be clearing your 
> cache first.  The internal format of the cache is never guaranteed to 
> remain the same during development.

I did clear the cache. (It probably worth having a comment in servers.php file about clearing the cache if someone changes the value of 'cache' though)

After testing a bit more :
- if 'cache' => true : no problem
- if 'cache' => array('compress' => 'lzf') : delele cache, login, display INBOX, open an email : errors 
WARNING:  array_intersect_key() [function.array-intersect-key]: Argument #1 is not an array in /USR/SHARE/PEAR/HORDE/IMAP/CLIENT/CACHE.PHP on line 250

NOTICE:  Array to string conversion in /USR/SHARE/PEAR/HORDE/IMAP/CLIENT/CACHE.PHP on line 290

It is the same error if I use gzip.
pecl/lzf 1.5.2 is installed.

Am  I setting the cache setting corretly ?


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