[dev] whups - priorities vs urgency and importance

Craig Lawson craig.lawson at webengineer.co.uk
Wed Apr 15 21:39:38 UTC 2009

Hello to the dev list...

I've been running on circles on this and I'm not sure where else to  
turn, I hope its just a case of my missing something simple ...

Basically we're trying to get whups configured in the optimal way to  
assist with our project management and we're almost there, trouble is  
I am having trouble with the priority concept.

Forgive me if this is obvious or I have missed something, my  
understanding is that to manage projects effectively it is common to  
have both an urgency (1 - 5 typically, higher the number the more  
urgent) and an importance (same rating). This is to enable appropriate  
scheduling of time around issues so that the long terms aims of a  
project don't get lost dealing with the short term aims.

I have tried in whups to create a custom attribute to handle this,  
however I cant query sorted by this value, only on those values that  
match a given value for this field. Ideally I want to have priority to  
represent the urgency and to have an importance field showing along  
side all bugs in all search views - is this posable? Can anyone point  
me in the right direction to look to sort this?

Thanks in advance


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