[dev] WebDAV/CalDAV integration - first questions

Evert Pot evertpot at gmail.com
Sat Sep 26 00:17:20 UTC 2009

> That's nice to have, but not a show stopper. Beside that, everything  
> can be changed for H4 as needed. So if using streams is really an  
> important concern for you, you can change Horde_Rpc to support them.  
> We already did this for some other libraries where it made sense.

If you're set on using the rpc system for this, I would suggest  
removing the following lines from rpc.php:

/* Return the response to the client. */
header('Content-Type: ' . $server->getResponseContentType());
header('Content-length: ' . strlen($out));
header('Accept-Charset: UTF-8');
echo $out;

..and let the various RPC classes be responsible for both HTTP  
headers, and any output. It would be easy to just copy these lines to  
the abstract RPC class, so transition is seamless.
SabreDAV also needs to be responsible for the Content-Length header,  
because the size of $out does not match the Content-Length header when  
a GET request with a Range: header is made, or when an HTTP HEAD  
request is made.

I could add an output(); method for example..

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