[dev] application for secure storing passwords with horde

andre pawlowski sqall at h4des.org
Tue Mar 9 16:58:43 UTC 2010

Jan Schneider wrote:
> Zitat von Andre Pawlowski <sqall at h4des.org>:
>> Hi guys,
>> I was sick of storing my passwords local in an encrypted file and
>> have written a Horde application for this. The application is called
>> Eleusis. The user can create a passwordstore with a masterpassword.
>> With this masterpassword the passwordstore will be encrypted with
>> blowfish. So any user can store their passwords online in a secure way.
>> The application NEVER stores anything unencrypted on the hard disk
>> drive of the server and so even forensic tools for recovering files
>> will fail when you want to crack the passwordfile.
>> The application uses php mycrypt for the encryption and works with
>> horde 3 (any version).
>> You can download the project on
>> http://h4des.org/index.php?inhalt=eleusis
>> Is the horde project interested in this application? Should I store
>> it on the horde server?
> I personally use notes encryption in Mnemo for that purpose because I
> can save arbitratry additional information there, not only password
> pairs. But I can see some use and potential for that application.
> Are you willing to further support this application with bug fixes,
> updating to Horde 4, etc? Then we could host it as an official Horde
> application on our servers.
> Jan.
Hi Jan,

yes of course I am willing to support this application with bug fixes
and updating to Horde 4. I use this application for myself and therefore
I need bug fixes and the update to Horde 4 ;)


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