[dev] ActiveSync: got "ERR: Invalid address book" on Nokia Mail for exchange, but worked on WindowsMobile 6.1

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Tue May 25 20:05:26 UTC 2010

Quoting Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:

> On 2010-05-25 21:07, Michael Rubinsky wrote:
>> Quoting Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:
>>> On 2010-05-25 20:10, Michael Rubinsky wrote:
>>>> Quoting Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:
>> Not a big deal, especially if Horde_Auth::getAuth() is showing the
>> correct user. I'm really at a loss here. If the name of the source in
>> turba/config/sources.php is 'privat', and the sync_book pref is also set
>> to 'privat' then I don't see how that error would be thrown. Have you
>> tested again with another client since the Nokia client failed?
> I tried several times changing from WM 6.1 to Nokia MfE 3.0 and back  
> to WM 6.1 again. It works with WM 6.1 and doesn't work with Nokia  
> MfE 3.0.
>> If $cfgSources is indeed empty in Turba_Api::listBy(), and the user is
>> correctly logged in then you are probably going to have to trace this
>> yourself. I would start by looking in Turba_Application::_init() or
>> maybe Turba::permissionsFilter().
> $cfgSources is as defined in sources.php when called by WM 6.1 and  
> an empty array when called from Nokia MfE 3.0.
> I will try to trace it down a bit deeper - but as I'm not used to  
> PHP it's quite hard work.
> So if you have another Idea - speak out!
> If it helps I'm willing to borrow a E90 with a defective microphone  
> - everything else works and as it has WLAN one wouldn't even need a  
> SIM-Card inserted.

Sure, that would help a great deal as it would (hopefully) allow me to  
reproduce the issue. As long as you can provide a way to get it to me  
here in the US, as well as a way of getting it back to you when I am  
finished.  I can provide my contact information to you privately if  
this is what you decide.


The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

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