[dev] Connect failed: (1040) Too many connections

Lukas Gradl horde at ssn.at
Wed Jun 2 11:45:06 UTC 2010


Updated from Snapshots dated 2010-05-15 to 2010-05-28, and to 2010-06-01 
today by copying the whole snapshot over the old installation. Config 
files where left unchanged.

I could logon to the installation from 2010-05-15, but the newer tries 

Instead of a login screen I get the message

A fatal error has occurred
Connect failed: (1040) Too many connections
Details have been logged for the administrator.

The sql-part of config/conf.php is as following:

$conf['sql']['username'] = 'user';
$conf['sql']['password'] = 'password';
$conf['sql']['protocol'] = 'unix';
$conf['sql']['database'] = 'horde';
$conf['sql']['charset'] = 'utf-8';
$conf['sql']['splitread'] = false;
$conf['sql']['ssl'] = false;
$conf['sql']['phptype'] = 'mysqli';

Tried phptype=mysql as well, but that did'nt work, too...

Any hints what is wrong?



software security networks
Lukas Gradl <horde#ssn.at>
Eduard-Bodem-Gasse 5
A - 6020 Innsbruck
Tel: +43-512-214040-0
Fax: +43-512-214040-21

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