[dev] ActiveSync Nokia MfE Calendar...

Michael Rubinsky mrubinsk at horde.org
Mon Jun 7 17:18:46 UTC 2010

Quoting Michael Rubinsky <mrubinsk at horde.org>:

> Quoting Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:
>> On 2010-06-07 16:22, Michael Rubinsky wrote:
>>> Quoting Lukas Gradl <horde at ssn.at>:
>>> Sure. You can feel free to always mail me those traces when needed...
>> Mailed to you by direct mail...
> This appears to be a bug in MfE. They are *requiring* the optional  
> (per MS specs) UID field. A number of other activesync compatible  
> servers have had similar reports/complaints regarding MfE. Going to  
> send a UID field for greatest device compatibility. Just need to  
> figure out what value to give it. I'll let you know when something  
> is committed.

Ok, I've added the UID field by md5'ing the item's uid.   Seems to not  
cause any other issues with the clients I can test. This field is  
supposed to be an optional *client* generated id, not a server  
generated id, so I have no idea what MfE is doing with the value. My  
hope is that it's just a bug in MfE's decoding, and that it is not  
actually using this value.  My fear is that it is using it as an  
identifier instead of the serverId field, which the EAS spec says it  
must use.  Please test this to be sure that:

1) After syncing appointment TO phone, that editing the appointment on  
either the phone or the server continues to work and does not cause  
duplicate entries.

2) After creating an appointment on the phone, try editing it on the  
server and be sure that it doesn't create a duplicate (of completely  
fail to update) the entry on the phone.

You can either pull from git or apply the following two changes manually:





The Horde Project (www.horde.org)
mrubinsk at horde.org

"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." - A. Einstein

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