[dev] git today

Rick Romero rick at havokmon.com
Fri Nov 12 22:09:48 UTC 2010

Quoting "Michael J.Rubinsky" <mrubinsk at horde.org>:
>> Quoting Rick Romero <rick at havokmon.com>:
>   >
>   >> A couple things that I've noticed with a git pull as of today (once this
>   >> morn, and again about 15mins ago):
>   >>
>   >> 1. Ugly-ass login page (IMP as auth).  The font is huge.
>   >
>   > Can you be more specific about what is "ugly-ass"? We redesigned the
>   > login page to be more modern looking.

Whoop - sorry :)   I figured templates were modified and something doubled-up.

Basically, the fonts are huge - I'm running 1440x900 and the letters   
just look far too big.
Can you point me to an example of what you expect it to look like?   
(Yahoo, eg)  Maybe it's something on my end.

>   >
>   >> 2. Preferences (DIMP), add identity.  I get an email, but the link is
>   >> missing the FQDN of the web server. 
>   >> 2a. When I manually re-create the URL, I get logged out of my existing
>   >> session, and when I log back in the identity does not exist.
>   >>
>   >> 3. Preferences (DIMP).  When in preferences, clicking on INBOX  
> or anything
>   >> on the left menu does not lead to that item.  The page just refreshes
>   >> with:  FQDN/horde/imp/#prefs as the URL.
>   >
>   > Not sure exactly what you mean with these two, (d)imp and prefs are
>   > working fine for me with most current git code.

Preferences 'work' fine, except for the email confirmation of   
additional identity and trying to leave the (d)imp Preferences  
'window'  when in (d)imp mode. 

The Preferences window thing was an issue in the past (totally helpful  
I know), but a previous git pull at some other time in the past fixed   
that - haha :)

If you can't replicate it, no big deal, just pointing it out.  I'm  
more interested in the Identity confirmation email than the UI issue..  
I'm sure UI display issues will come and go, but the core function  
shouldn't fluctuate too much.


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